Home » Independence


4 February 2010 No Comment

FreedomOf all the topics that folks ask me about, one of the ones I get asked about the most is also one of the most dear to my heart: Independence

Independence can mean different things for different people. For a college graduate still living at home, independence might mean how to feel like an adult while still sharing a wall with mom and dad. For a divorcee in their forties, independence might mean how to positively embrace their newfound status. For still others it might simply mean feeling free to behave/dress/think/act/live as they want to, not the way other people want them to or the way the world suggests they should.

As you can see, independence is a complicated and multi-faceted topic, and one I will touch on frequently, as it sits at the core of my life philosophy. I have some post ideas on this topic in the works, but I would love to get some input from you, my readers, as to what you would like to hear about from me regarding independence. What areas of life are a challenge for you in terms of independence? What struggles with independence have you had in the past and what do you foresee in the future?

Let me know in the comments, and your input will influence my later postings on the subject. And, as always, if you have a specific question a la “Dear Abby”, feel free to pose it to me, and I’ll to my best to turn your question and answer into a post in itself. Have at it!

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